Banner Pilot, Resignation Day out Sept 14th!
We are thrilled to work with Banner Pilot on the re-release of Resignation Day out Sept 14th! Jacques Wait (Soviettes, Off With Their Heads, Dear Landlord) remixed and remastered the 12 original tracks and added two bonus songs that are out of print. Originally released on Go Kart records you can score Resignation Day digitally through them on Sept 14th and we’ll be handling the CD and vinyl. Click here to check their tour dates and here to visit their web site.
Take a peek at what Nate from Banner Pilot had to say:
When we originally recorded Resignation Day back in 2007, issues came up during the recording that left us with little time for mixing. As a result, the record didn’t sound too hot. This was kind of a drag ‘cuz we didn’t feel like we did the songs justice. But! Sometimes you get a second chance; sometimes you can take something that was subpar and make it right, like when that Jason Mraz guy covered Blitzkrieg Bop. In our case, we were able to get Jacques Wait (who we worked with on our last album Collapser) to take a look at the original tracks and take a stab at remixing them. What he came up with was awesome, sounding like a new album. Usually something billed as a ‘remix’ will cause you to say “Uh, I guess the guitars areâ¦. warmer now?” or “Oh, that’s cool that the ride cymbal has more zing in that one part now. Glad I bought this again”, but in this case we’re talking about a dramatic difference. Plus we added two more songs that are out of print, re-did the layout, and even changed around the sequencing. It’s like a whole new experience, maaan.
So if you checked out the album the first time around and didn’t dig it, give it another chance. We think you’ll like it. It’s like that one fairy tale where the first bowl of porridge kind of sucks but the second one is perfect.