Fat Mike imposts his imposter

So there’s this guy, Fat_Mike, who’s been pretending to be me on Tweeter for several months now. I didn’t really pay attention cuz I’m not on any of the other social networks and I figured what harm could it do? Well apparently a lot cuz now this douche has 6000 followers and he’s a total prick. I don’t like someone going around making my bad name even worse. I get in enough trouble with the actual things I say. I don’t need any more help, thanks. So I’ve decided to actually start twitting on my own. This is totally retarded, but I gotta fight fire with…….well, drugs and alcohol. Here I go into the wild world of no privacy and way too much information. It starts here with my first twat:

My Tweeter name is FatMike_of_NOFX and I’m an alcoholic