Fat Wreck Chords Haiti Relief Sale Raises over $4000!
We just wanted to say thank you to everyone who participated in raising funds for our Haiti relief sale. In one week we collected $4265 which weâll donate in full to Partners In Health. There is still plenty of other cool stuff happening to try and continue raising funds. If you live in the bay area, check out the Slim’s benefit show for Haiti where Dead To Me will perform on Friday, February 5th. Also, Limitedpressing.com has been adding collectable vinyl daily and has a ton of sweet items for you to choose from, even some rare <a href=http://www.fatwreck.com/band/index/6 target="_blank">*NOFX* vinyl that we donated. Click <a href=http://limitedpressing.com/auctions target="_blank">here to check it out and help them continue their Haiti relief efforts. Lastly, our good friends Propagandhi are making a digital EP to be released on G7, with proceeds going to Partners In Health. You can read about it by going <a href=http://www.exclaim.ca/articles/generalarticlesynopsfullart.aspx?csid1=140&csid2=844&fid1=44137 target="_blank">here.