For those of you that have recently been hiding under a rock, the 12th annual Punk Rock Bowling Tournament took place this past weekend in Las Vegas. Four days of punk shows, gambling, boozing, various other unmentionable activities, and, you guessed it, bowling. It was the largest field in tournament history (over 200 teams!), as a matter of fact.
So, after 11 years of graciously bowing out in the early rounds of competition, we decided that this year we would actually try. And, naturally, we won the whole goddamn thing! That’s right nonbelievers, 1st fucking place!!! We decimated the hopes and dreams of hundreds of other teams and boy did it feel great. Now we’ve got two 1st place trophies to show off, the one we stole from the Epitaph office years ago, and our very own.
Check out some pics and bask in the glorious glow of the best bowlers in the known universe, The Pin Ladens.