Listen to The Lillington's new album NOW!
The most misunderstood card in the Tarot is the 13th card of the Major Arcana, Death, which should not be taken literally. Rather, it signifies a letting go of the past, in order to evolve without limitations. The Lillingtons are a band that has never found much interest in the mundane. Their 12 song opus is filled with pulpy vignettes steeped in intrigue, unraveling mysteries, conspiracies, and cloak-and-dagger operations, while bashing through buzzy, pop-focused punk songs. We’ve previously released “Insect Nightmares” and “Zodiac,” but today you can finally hear the album in its entirety over at Uproxx! On October 13, as we approach an enigmatic day, we will celebrate the release of The Lillington’s latest offering, their first full-length in 11 years, Stella Sapiente.