Listen to the new Real McKenzies album, NOW!
We are only days away from the March 3rd release of The Real McKenzies’ fantastic new album, Two Devils Will Talk! Today, however, you can hear the entire album over at Brooklynvegan! Then, check out their upcoming tour dates, which include Canada, America, and every corner of Europe! Watch their video for “Due West,” and if you haven’t ordered your copy of Two Devils Will Talk, snag it HERE.
Greetings, P.K. McKenzie here. Just wanting to drop a couple of lines concerning our epic new 25th anniversary release, "Two Devils Will Talk.” We all are very happy with this new album in terms of writing and performing, and the technical crew did a stellar job. I am listening to it constantly, trying to hear any flaw and as yet, one cannot be found. This makes us very happy. All of what we have done and what we do is for you, our fans. It has been a pleasure to have entertained all of you over the last 25 years, and we look forward to 25 more. On behalf of The Real McKenzies and myself, it has been an honor to be given yet another world tour. We shall see you all soon, and please don’t be too shy. Come to the merch booth for a beer with us. xox
Sincerely, Paul