New 7" from Smoke Or Fire, out on March 16th!
Smoke Or Fire are a crafty bunch. After touring the world on This Sinking Ship and remaining dormant for almost a year we had the good fortune of having a 7â dropped in our laps. Say what? Hold up, thereâs even more. Theyâve been writing, and recording demos for a follow up full length and have plans to tour to Harvest of Hope and SXSW. The 7â is titled Prehistoric Knife Fight and features two brand new tracks. To read more about what went into making the 7â take a peek at what Jeremy from SOF had to say:
So, on January 13th we headed into Sound of Music studios in Richmond, VA with our friend and engineer Casey Martin, to record two songs for our upcoming 7". The record will be titled Prehistoric Knife Fight and will be released again by our dear friends at Fat Wreck Chords. The plan is to hopefully have it ready for Harvest of Hope Festival which we’ll be playing in mid March. It’s been a while since we’ve released anything and we’re all really stoked to finally get something out. Sometime this spring we’ll be finishing up the full length. The songs are called “Speak Easy” and “Modesty”, A and B side in that order. None of this would have been possible without our friends in Landmines who lent us gear, a practice space, an engineer, and a drummer. Thanks guys!! Hope ya’ll like it as much as we do. See you out there.

SOF tour dates!
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