We are only two weeks away from the July 29th release of GET DEAD’s killer new full-length, Honesty Lives Elsewhere! Today, however, we have something to tide you over. Head to Brooklynvegan and listen to the premiere of the second single, “Dyin’ is Thirsty Work." But don’t just take our word for it, check out what GET DEAD had to say about the song:
“‘Dyin’ came together in kind of a weird way. Initially I thought it wouldn’t make the album since it’s kind of nebulous and funky, but it’s slowly become one of our favorites. Ultimately, it’s about being a product of your environment, but not letting that fact dominate you and, instead, using it to your advantage.”
You’ll be able to see their raucous live show soon, as they’ll be tearing it up in Japan, North America, and Europe. Don’t miss it! Now that you’re sufficiently pumped up, pre-order your copy today. While you’re at it, we’ve got a sweet color repress of SWINGIN’ UTTERS’ classic Five Lessons Learned available as well.