The "Live in a Dive" Series Returns!

NOFX are up to their old hijinks in 2018! They have a smattering of tour dates, whispers of studio time being booked, and a new release slated for August 3rd! Say what? That’s right folks; you read that correctly. NOFX will launch the triumphant return of FAT’s popular “Live in a Dive” series, with the release of Ribbed! Though the album isn’t out until August 3rd, we’re amped to present “Just the Flu,” which is now available for download and streaming on iTunes, Spotify, and all your other favorite digital music sites. This is just a sampling of the fun to be had! Ribbed- Live in a Dive was performed and recorded in sequence; so, if you were too young to hear it or see it live the first time around, this is as true a form of going back in time as you can get.
Further, the vinyl includes a 2′ × 3’, two-sided NOFX poster featuring a current live shot of the band, juxtaposed with a vintage live shot (also included with CD through Fat mail order). You’ll have to keep your eyes peeled for our pre-order, as we’ll be launching it shortly. For those headed to the Punk In Drublic Craft Beer and Music Festival this weekend, or to any of the upcoming stops, you can pick up a Fat Music For Wrecked People: Punk In Drublic 2018, which includes a new NOFX song honed from this release!