The Real McKenzies - Westwinds out March 27th!
The Real McKenzies’ first new studio album in 4 years, Westwinds, will be hitting the shelves on March 27, 2012! Grab your kilts and whisky because these lads have already booked an extensive 2012 tour. Check out the cover art below and stay tuned for a new mp3 soon! Read what Gord McKenzie had to say about the record:
“We were holed up in Nanton, Alberta, Canada recording for over a month with award-winning producer and new friend, Steve Loree at Crabapple Downs. Our main idea for Westwinds was to create an all-electric album for our fans (to follow the all-acoustic record, Shine Not Burn). The goal was to release a great collection of songs that would not only make all of us McKenzies proud, but to also make that point that we’re not going anywhere anytime soon.”