TONY SLY Sad Bear out October 11th!
Tony Sly’s new full length, Sad Bear, is coming out on October 11th and we have cover art and a tracklisting for you to check out. Comprised of 12 songs, folks can expect extra instrumentation with additional musicians this time around. Tony Sly has a hell of a tour planned for Europe with Joey Cape, Jon Snodgrass and Brian Wahlstrom, dates here! Check out the cover art designed by Sergie from Samiam below! Read what Tony had to say about the release below:
“this new record was written very quickly on tour and a little bit when I got back from touring on last years release, 12 song program. Like that record it’s just me and my acoustic again but this time with 11 different musicians and guests. Although the lyrics on this record are my most uninhibited and honest words ever, I am really happy about putting out this solo record, there is so much freedom of expression on this one”

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