Dillinger Four
Dillinger Four are from Minneapolis, Minnesota. They formed in 1994.
C I V I L W A R is their fourth full-length record (preceded by Midwestern Songs of the Americas, Versus God, and Situationist Comedy). In terms of importance, they are to the ‘90s and ’00s what Black Flag was to the ’80s (without the Grateful Dead worship). It’s not only what they are, a great band, it’s what they’ve helped inspire, build, and represent. They’re an earthquake. They’re the Redd Foxx- mixed with the Chalmers Johnson of punk rock.
In the time between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865, starting at Fort Sumter and ending at Appomattox, 600,000 Americans died in the American Civil War. That took almost four full years. Substitute beer and distilled spirits and add the constant distraction called life. Tack on two extra years. That equals D4’s Civil War. Another way to think about it is this: Have you heard the new Scared Of Chaka record? No you haven’t. They broke up. Dillinger Four didn’t. Celebrate that math. A third way to think about this: If this album were a child, it would be six years old and entering kindergarten. Get that kid real drunk and fit him into some smart pants, and that equals D4.
Here are some jokes.
Dillinger Four. Paddy from The Arrivals new band.
Dillinger Four, Billy from Scooby Dons new band.
Dillinger Four, Erik from Billingsgates new band.
Dillinger Four, Lane from Spank Rays new band.
Erik Funk (vocals, guitar), co-owner of The Triple Rock Social Club with his lovely wife Gretchen, spent two years tracing his family’s genealogy. He was surprised to find out that he didn’t descend from raccoons. The dark circles under his eyes remain a mystery. In his free time, Erik enjoys cooking and camping. His culinary Achilles heel is the McRib.
Lane Pederson (drums) got married to his lovely wife Cortney, had a kid, Sophia, and totally embraces the houseboats-on-lakes lifestyle (Minnesota’s got tens of thousands of lakes). Lane put himself through college by working at a liquor store. After getting his Ph.D. in clinical psychology, he now owns several clinics with a partner. He also has the drummer from Boston, Sib Hashian, on speed dial. They’re buddies. Lane disagrees that putting cheese on a burger makes it better.
Paddy Costello (vocals, bass) got poisoned by Gainesville fire ants, got tea-bagged by Billy Reese Peters’ front man Aaron Lay, and accidentally tea-bagged teen actress Lindsay Lohan while he was putting away luggage on a flight. Paddy is a charter member of the “merchant marines of independent rock”. In the past six years, he has played bass for, and/or is currently in these fine bands: The Arrivals, The Fuck Yeahs, Bloodbath And Beyond, Toys That Kill, Off With Their Heads, Cleveland Bound Death Sentence, Halo Of Flies, and Sean Na Na). To maintain his lifestyle, he tends bar at Grumpy’s (try the macaroni balls), and really missed his calling of starting his own religion based on stand-up comedy. Paddy was kicked out of the Troubadour in Hollywood for wrestling with Kiefer Sutherland.
Billy Morrisette (guitar, vocals) tends bar at and has earned the honorary title of The Patron Saint of the Triple Rock. His mom worked at the Hamm’s factory. His Dad is a biker. He Antietam’s the fuck out of the Golden Tee video game and darts. Several months ago, he bought some samurai swords off of the television set. One hot summer day, he came to the realization that he wanted to throw a pool party in his front yard. Summer Monday afternoons are now filled with Slip’n’Slide and inflatable pool action.