No Use For A Name
All the Best Songs (Reissue)
For orders that include digital songs, those are delivered as 320kbps MP3s and available to download immediately after purchase, for up to 5 days.
FAT952 - February 12, 2016Now including songs from their resurgent and critically acclaimed release Feel Good Record of the Year, as well as new artwork, All the Best Songs is a definitive collection. It’s truly a perfect album for new and old fans alike. The reissue also marks the first time All the Best Songs is available on vinyl.
476 on color vinyl - no longer available
Track Listing
1. International You Day
2. Justified Black Eye
3. Coming Too Close
4. Invincible
5. Dumb Reminders
6. Biggest Lie
7. Fatal Flu
8. Life Size Mirror
9. On the Outside
10. Soulmate
11. Let Me Down
12. The Feel Good Song of the Year
13. Permanent Rust
14. Chasing Rainbows
15. The Trumpet Player
16. Not Your Savior
17. Black Box
18. The Answer Is Still No
19. Straight from the Jacket
20. Any Number Can Play
21. For Fiona
22. The Daily Grind
23. Under the Garden
24. Let It Slide
25. Feeding the Fire
26. Part Two
27. Growing Down
28. Exit
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