Useless ID
Most Useless Songs
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FAT141 - May 7, 2021A career-spanning greatest hits, Most Useless Songs, reaches as far back as the 1999 Fat Wreck Chords compilation Short Music For Short People (“Too Bad You Don’t Get It”), but otherwise draws from the band’s 2000s output, such as No Vacation from the World (2003), Redemption (2005), The Lost Broken Bones (2008), Symptoms (2012), and State is Burning (2016).
Track Listing
1. State of Fear
2. Isolate Me
3. Night Shift
4. It's Alright
5. How to Dismantle an Atom Bomb
6. Turn up the Stereo
7. Jukebox 86
8. Too Bad You Don't Get It
9. Symptoms
10. Night Stalker
11. Dying Love
12. At Least I Tried
13. New Misery
14. State Is Burning
15. Same Old Revolution
16. Into the Exquisite
300 on colored vinyl. No Longer Available.
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